About Sola

Born in Newcastle Upon Tyne, I grew up in Nigeria. I enjoy debate and have sought to improve conditions for others, perhaps which is what attracted me to student politics. I was elected first to the post of President of the Lagos University then Nigerian Medical Students Association.

I trained in Cardiology in Newcastle, London and Southampton before taking up a post as Consultant Cardiologist at Epsom General Hospital. I “left” Epsom in 2016 to work in a private capacity -outpatients at Ashtead and an NHS clinic at Dorking Hospital. I retired from regular practice in 2023.

Instead of telling you what I think of myself I thought I would attach a copy of a poem Alison, a cardiac physiologist in Newcastle, wrote as a leaving present to me when I left Freeman hospital in Newcastle for St. George’s in London. I found it in the loft a few years ago.

alison-s poem to leaving0001

I still visit the hospitals in Newcastle incognito. The RVI is ten times its size when I was there and I get lost when I wander round. The Freeman the same. I am a grand dad now. And I write. I write because I cannot not write. Fueled often by an argument overheard or one I’ve had myself. I write for my young grandchildren to read me when I am not here anymore.




Email: Odemuyiwaolusola@gmail.com

Mobile phone (+44) 07867607312