About Sola

sola-odemuyiwaBorn in Newcastle Upon Tyne, I grew up in Nigeria. I enjoy debate and have sought to improve conditions for others, perhaps which is what attracted me to student politics. I was elected first to the post of President of the Lagos University and then Nigerian Medical Students Association.

I trained in Cardiology in Newcastle, London and Southampton before taking up a post as Consultant Cardiologist at Epsom General Hospital. I left Epsom in 2016 to work in a private capacity -outpatients at Ashtead and an NHS clinic at Dorking Hospital.

Instead of telling you what I think of myself I thought I would attach a copy of a poem Alison, a cardiac physiologist in Newcastle, wrote as a leaving present to me when I left Freeman hospital in Newcastle for St. George’s in London. I found it in the loft a few years ago.

alison-s poem to leaving0001

Now, in addition to my day-job, I write novels. Why do I write? In anger, out of outrage at some injustice in the world, or instead of shouting at the radio or telly at some crass remark about “my people”, (not what you think and to be defined in other blogs); I write for my unborn grandchildren and to shock and delight and distract me from Newcastle United’s plight.




Email: Odemuyiwa@fsmail.net

Mobile phone (+44) 07867607312