Rachel’s now topical rant in “Deadly Conception” publ 2011

….in an unspoken, unwritten pact, the State used taxes from the lucrative, high-rolling, light touch regulated financial sectors to service a burgeoning new set of entitlements and a broad-based dependent class created, or encouraged, by government. And at the bottom, immigrant labour filled the gaps. To support or subsidise constituents unlikely, unable or unwilling to make a contribution themselves, our leaders were content, even relaxed about importing from poor countries, those strong, young, clever dynamic, rich or educated or able enough to add to our nation’s coffers. As an insatiable government expanded, it needed higher taxes; and the private sector, more and more cheap labour. When the credit crunch gate-crashed the party the same politicians, like naughty teenagers, cast around for scapegoats and blamed the bankers, who, hedged by huge bonuses, against inflation, devaluation and quantitative easing, could look after themselves. And they blamed the immigrants who could not. With elections imminent, votes and seats at stake, out came sermons on race – printed by the press and spread by the Church and MPs exculpating “understandable” backlashes, preaching Christianity, cohesion, community and family.

The coalition overestimated or misrepresented the savings to be made by expelling the non-EU immigrants. And the most productive of the immigrant community fled, commercial and residential property prices in the larger cities collapsed in their wake.

Tightening of credit by financiers in revenge against windfall taxes and a vociferously critical press, dependent on the largess of a handful of plutocrats forced successive governments to sacrifice assets in appeasement. State provision of hospital care collapsed as companies, run, owned, or advised by former Cabinet ministers, civil servants and general practitioners, cherry picked the most profitable institutions, leaving the rest to rationalize and amalgamate, and when these measures failed, to close.

For many, of whatever hue, it is a matter of good fortune to be born here, now. Should we not be grateful for our blessings? If this should prove to be the end of this epoch – with its national and racial privileges – and if some find or consider themselves to be at a disadvantage, should the new arrivals fall, convicted and sentenced at the roadside court of native frustration and sense of entitlement?

…surely this could not happen here? But we know that far worse happened in the land of Beethoven, Goethe and Kant. A sprinkling of Nietzche over a diet of nationalist and religious fervour and off they went.

Yet, how many of these immigrants were high enough in government, in the civil service or the law to influence, formulate or implement the policies, the consequences of which they bear the greatest brunt? How many?

An extract from ” Deadly Conception” publ  2011 by Sola Odemuyiwa, available on Amazon

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