Why Queen is Live but Prince is only on Record

princeDo you not ask yourself why Prince is dead at 57 but The Queen is still going strong?

Do you not ask how the Queen Mother got to a hundred but your grandmother died before you were even four?

Do you not ask yourself why this should be if we are nearly all of woman born?

Is it because it’s in the genes but you and Prince did a lot worse?

Or is it because The Queen grew up in a palace

And her connections go back generations but not yours?

Or because the Queen can have a quiet word with the PM, but you have a vote in the seat of a man you can never dislodge?

So as we all raise three hearty cheers to The Queen on her ten plus four score,

And that proud photo of Royal generations four

Think of your kids and their kids, if the NHS is no more

And their school playgrounds are rutted not by rugby but juggernauts.

Where will they go to play when Green and Brown Belts submit to concrete blocks?

Remember how low you back bent at Port Talbot to feed them, will you reach sixty-four

And when you’re gone will Treasury take your piggy bank from them when it doesn’t at the top of the Mall.

Think on these things, but don’t despair, because if you were born within coronal radiation you’ve got ten years longer on this earth than your friend born pounds lighter in the North

And if you are our friend in the North at least you are better off even than that ivory-toothed man of Abidjan.

As you are like a king and queen and prince to him by an accident of birth.

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