Miraculous Conviction

Shortly after T, our grandchild, was born I told his parents that I bet someone would ask Mau and I if he was ours. And that is exactly what happened. Late in 2017 one of the neighbours saw us with T. She rushed up to peep into the pram. ‘You lovebirds and now you’ve got a little one,’ she said with a beatific smile. She’d seen Mau walking me down the street during my convalescence and assumed we were a young couple.

Now, T and Mau are alabaster to my ebony and with all due respect to Mau we did not look like fresh minted newlyweds, nor, after recent events, do we have a gamete to spare between us. But I had it all planned. I was just going to gush my reply and say he is our precious bundle we’ve been trying for so long when Mau went and spoilt it by admitting that she was grandma, not mum. I don’t think I will have another chance to play that trick again, but you never know.

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