Hanili’s take on Taxation in South Roko

‘What have they made dear Roko?’ said Hanili. She turned the microphone round for a reply, like a pop star.

‘A tax heaven,’ the crowd chanted in return.

‘A tax heaven for the globals,’ she said, punching the air with the microphone. ‘To she who has more will be given and from she who has little even that will be taken away; until she opens her eyesglobalisation2 to claim what is hers?’ She paused with a cheeky glint in her eye.

Dele craned her neck round a knapsack for a better view.

Hanili went on. ‘Someone comes to your garden, to harvest your vegetables, cooks them with your water, your power, your stove, takes it all home to her family, leaves the scraps, just enough to keep you alive…and a new bucket and sponge for washing up for which you should be grateful because her husband will sell you insurance and spare parts for the bucket until you kick it. His premiums compulsory, your token tax bill, voluntary.’

She laughed, pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

‘Bills inflate…’

‘And hopes deflate,’ sang the crowd.globalisation

‘To the minister of less this and that, can we have some water to drink seeing as you own half of Thames Valley…sir?’ said Hanili, with a bow. The banner billowed back. Hanili wiped her freckled nose and puffed her cheeks out. She raised a clenched fist to the floodlit sky. ‘Enjoy…be safe my sisters…and brothers,’ she said. When Hanili pulled off the Alice band and tossed her hair back Dele could have sworn that she saw tears in her angel’s eyes. A gust got up. Hanili put the Alice band back on, patted it down. The crowd dispersed, but Dele would have given anything to swap places with the three young women in red T-shirts and black jeans helping Hanili fold the banner into the back of a battered white Volkswagen Beetle. The car had the words “Pleb bus” scrolled on one door, “Pleb Mobile” on the other. That’s the girl at The Hague, what’s she doing here stirring up trouble. Has she got a death wish? Dele thought.

Hanili is an aid worker on the island of South Roko.


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