On the 6th day of Autumn
And H-mum said to Os, “Ask not what your brain has made of you, but what you have made of…
Where are my next tears coming from?
To Aunty Cath What a perfect day you chose to leave me, Cath, without notice, when I was not looking….
To Wale the Great
My dear Wale, It’s me, Yaro. You dropped me off on the evening of Saturday the 12 th of January…
Writing for fun and fears
I am a Geordie, a Lagosian, a granddad, a pensioner, a retired cardiologist and much more. Or less. As I…
A day out with the remains of the Prostate
It is a five-minute walk up the street to the station. To push the bowel out of the way of…
Miraculous Conviction
Shortly after T, our grandchild, was born I told his parents that I bet someone would ask Mau and I…
From “What’s Bibi Doing” (notes to a grandson)
Dear T. That Sunday night when you kept dropping crayons from your high chair, leaned back past your mum, to…
A day out (From “What’s Bibi Doing”); notes to my grandson and the rest when they come
It is a five-minute walk up the street to the station. To push the bowel out of the way of…
The Line in the Sand on CreateSpace
Jane and Wale Verity and Dele, their twelve year old daughter, meet Sandman after a military coup. In revenge for…
The nth draft of the blurb
The nth draft of the blurb for my latest book “The Line in the Sand” (coming soon). Jane and Wale…